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Satanism/Demonology Thanks to Christian moralisms and so-called "values", there are few people who actually know what Satanism truly means. Most who do are independant young minds who explore things and challenge the mainstream society. So, what is Satanism, really? Well, by Dr.Anton LaVey's definition, it is the belief as each man as his own god or greatest power. It is the belief that only the strong survive, a theory of Charles R. Darwin. This theory has been proven over time to be correct. "The Satanic Bible" by Dr.LaVey is a good outline of the basic beliefs and philosophies of Satanism. It teaches people to follow no one but themselves, be your own god, make your own decisions. It is a common misconception that Satanists live without rules or values, which is a total fabrication. We live by the laws and rules of today's society, but in actuality, Dr.LaVey wrote The Satanic Bible as the standards for tomorrow's society, living as our own gods, a society where only the strong survive. Basic Satanic Philosophy They believe in "Natural Selection", "Social Darwinism" and the theory that "God Is Dead". All of which are the basics of Satanism and probably the easiest way to describe the basic beliefs of Satanism. They believe that Social Darwinism should be enforced in modern society, to see the complete cessation of the weaklings and the slackers of the society and allow the stong to prevail. The philosophy that "God Is Dead", originally written and thought of by Fredrich Nietzsche, means that there are no grounds for religious morals anymore. The idea of a "God" is no longer a threat, due to the acceptance of more "taboo" ideas. Society's Misconceptions Satanism is not about devil worship since no single god is ever defined in its tenets. Actually, each follower is encouraged to reach a constantly higher level of evolution. When LaVey wrote the Satanic Bible, he emphasized what Satanists do not do in the "Nine Satanic Sins" and the "Nine Satanic Statements." Therefore, a person who sacrifices children is not, by definition, a Satanist. That person, obviously, would not be a strong believer in the religion. Church of Satan P.O.BOX 210666 SANFRANCISCO,CA 94121 USA What is Satanism? Satanism is a agglomeration of disparite philosophies which fall into three basic categories: (A)Antinomian Philosophy. This is the most commonly known form of Satanism, and was popularized by Anton LaVey with the publication of The Satanic Bible. It is a compendium of ritual drama, and essays which depict the ideal human as individualistic, sensual, common sensical, and adaptive. Much of the imagery is a tongue-in-cheek inversion of Christianity, but the existence of the supernatural is regarded with strong skepticism. It's agnosticism with regards to the existence of the supernatural is a good case for it's dismissal as a form of religion, thus rendering it's connection with the label "Satanism" moot. (B)Darkside Reverence. This perspective is probably the oldest form of Satanism, and the most diverse. In a polytheistic religion, this is the subcategory of sects which actively and primarily worship supernatural beings which are considered dark or terrifying by the rest of the region or metareligion within which the believer occupies. The perspective on this being or beings which the worshippers hold varys strongly. Common attributions are that the being in question is the embodiment or controller of sin, entropy, sensuality, deception, destruction, night, confusion, passion, death, emptiness, degeneration and transgression. Darkside Reverers do not commonly identify their divinity as Satan, though exceptions exist. The most common divinities worshipped in English speaking countries would be Kali, Lilith, Set, and Exu. It's fragile connection with the common definition of Satanism is that one's definition of Satan would have to be fairly broad. (C)Promethian Reverence. This perspective is in many ways a combination of the first two. It arose approximately around the time of Christianity itself, and probably preceded it in some forms. The believer of this form of Satanism commonly believes that the world was created by a blind or corrupt being or force; according to many, dedicated to the pursuit of material power and control. A powerful being, whom many religions demonized as Satan, violated the rules of the cosmos in order to give mankind the gift of free will, and potentially divine power. This being is unjustly seperated from humanity, but seeks to guide mankind to a grand destiny. This perspective's fragile connection with the term Satanism is that despite it's clear adoption of Satan's name and some of the associated imagery, he is clearly dissimilar in most ways from common definitions. in a video once that on a certain Led Zep album, there was a verse from the Satanic Bible, 'Do what thou wilt.'" When the thousand years is over, Satan will be released from prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth-Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle. ...But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil, who had deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. (Revelation 20:7-10) this is the reality that is happening right now. Take into account Satanism-related murders, sacrifices, cult-related mass suicides. Satan does exist. Satanism does exist. The Church of Satan does exist. Anton Szandor LaVey founded it. He wrote the Satanic Bible, the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth, Nine Satanic Sins, and the Nine Satanic Statements. San Francisco, April 30, 1966. It is the Walpurgisnacht, the witches' sabbath. A 36-year-old man styling himself Anton Szandor LaVey shaves his head and proclaims the dawn of the Age of Satan. Two months later, the city on the bay ushers in the Summer of Love; LaVey becomes a minor celebrity. He attracts the famous: Jayne Mansfield, Sammy Davis Jr.--and the infamous: Susan Atkins, later of the Manson "Family." The years pass, those warm San Franciscan nights become a distant memory, Anton LaVey is forgotten or believed dead. Thirty years later, Marilyn Manson, a man who takes his last name from the man who molded Susan Atkins into a killer; and his first from the movie star LaVey claims as a former lover, proclaims himself the "Antichrist Superstar." He sells over a million copies of his second album, and becomes one of North America's top concert draws. He reveals himself an ordained minister of LaVey's Church of Satan. The "Black Pope" is alive and well; the paraphernalia of devil worship is as fashionable now as the peace sign was in the 1960s. Reputable estimates put the total members of all North American Satanic organizations at less than 10,000. Yet there can be no doubt that Lucifer's revolt against God--non serviam, "I will not serve"--is finding an audience among today's disaffected youth. In their 1992 study Teen Trends: A Nation in Motion sociologist Reginald Bibby and Donald C. Posterski found that about one in 10 Canadian teenagers claimed an "awareness" of other teenagers commonly practising Satanism or witchcraft. Messrs. Bibby and Posterski conclude, "How many young people does this 'awareness' translate into? Maybe 3% to 5%, probably less." And even fewer of these youths are likely to belong to either of the two main branches of North American Satanism--rationalist and religious. The first is exemplified by LaVey's Church of Satan, and expressed in his book The Satanic Bible, which has sold over 600,000 copies. The book's Nine Satanic Statements include: 1. Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence! 4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates! 5. Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek! 8. Satan represents all the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental or emotional gratification! Not surprisingly, the official Satanist FAQ (frequently asked questions) states, "If you think this sounds like Libertarianism, you're right; many Satanists consider themselves Libertarians or feel close to the party on social issues." The FAQ acknowledges how LaVey borrowed from the founder of objectivism: "The above-quoted Nine Satanic Statements are condensed from a passage in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged." LaVey may be a Satanist but he is no theist. The Church explains, "Satan is used as a purely symbolic figure...Satanists do not even believe in the existence of any Gods or Devils." LaVey's apostasy led in 1975 to a schism. High priest Michael Aquino, a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, left the Church along with 28 other Satanist priests to form the Temple of Set. Aquino's website explains, "A person professing to be a 'Satanist' but denying the existence of Satan is simply using the term for ulterior purposes such as personal glamourization or commercial exploitation. If that person denies the existence of all metaphysical beings, he is thereby an atheist, not a Satanist." Aquino claims that LaVey turned the Church of Satan into "simply his personal commercial venture and fan club." Aquino is not alone in seeing LaVey as more media whore than Whore of Babylon. In 1991, author Lawrence Wright discovered that LaVey, like his master, is a prince of lies. Born Howard Stanton Levey, he has constructed a personal history untruthful in every fact that can be verified. LaVey was reduced to begging his biographer, "I don't want the legend to disappear. There is a danger you will disenchant a lot of young people who use me as a role model." Despite his fraudulence, LaVey has definitely been a role model to Marilyn Manson. The singer's imagery and personal beliefs betray a heavy debt to LaVey. Just one example: "I've always had these dreams about making a girl out of all these pieces of prosthetic limbs, and then taking my own hair and teeth that I saved when I was a kid and very ritualistically creating this companion." Compare this to LaVey's long-time advocacy of the "development and production of artificial human companions--The forbidden industry...Polite, sophisticated, technologically feasible slavery." LaVey influences Marilyn Manson who influences millions of teenagers. Are our young people at risk of becoming hostages to the devil? Philip Jenkins does not think so. The Pennsylvania State University history professor, and author of Pedophiles and Priests: The Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis, is a leading expert on the sociology of Satanism. He considers 1990s Satanism a "revenge for the 1960s. Parents have told their children they can do anything they want, and this is what they have come up with." He adds, "I genuinely don't see any great danger...I don't think today's teenagers are doing anything dumber than teenagers normally do." Mr. Manson's fans have testified that his Satanic message has eased their alienation, even dissuaded them from suicide. Prof. Jenkins says, "They see in Satan what others would see in God." Thomas Fleming ripostes that they have "enlisted in the army of the damned." The editor of the U.S periodical Chronicles calls the Satanist renaissance "bracket fungus growing on a decayed stump"--Western Christendom. He explains, "All the institutions that preserve the moral order are decadent or corrupt or under assault. The bishops and the people who lead the churches are undermining the reasons for these institutions to exist." To those who claim that dabblers in the black arts are harmless, Mr. Fleming replies that they are to real necromancers "what fellow-travelling socialists were to communism." It is crucial to remember, he warns, that "teenagers are lemmings in disguise." Click on the link belowto get 20MB of free webspace? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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